Our Grout Sealing Experts Successfully Restored a Kitchen Floor in Rochester
November 20, 2024
A homeowner in Rochester had her work cut out for her when it came to the maintenance of her kitchen floor. Between two pets and a handful of household chores, it didn't take long for the floor to get soiled despite being cleaned several times a week. Soon enough, the issues spread to the hallway next to the neighboring hallway. When the tiles started matching the state of the grout, the homeowner decided to contact a professional grout sealing service in Rochester.
Despite what she had expected at the start of her search, the solution was not hard to find. Sir Grout Greater Detroit was at the top of her Google search results, and the homeowner could see why after only a few minutes of browsing through our website. She went through a lot of our content, including our picture gallery and our customer review page before finally heading to our online scheduler to fill out the fill out the form that could get her in touch with our specialists.
As per her request, our techs went to her house a few days later for an in-home evaluation. They arrived on an identified vehicle and donned Sir Grout's logo on their uniform, making a great first impression from the get-go. While leading them to the back of the house, the homeowner explained some of her previous cleaning attempts and confirmed that she'd used some chemical-based cleaners when our experts asked her about it.

The floors had definitely seen better days. Marks spread all over the tiles, leaving a trail that got darker under the base cabinets. Meanwhile, all the grout lines had an unappealing brown color that showed the amount of embedded dirt. There were no structural problems on the grout beyond that, but our techs still needed to deep clean the surface with their professional equipment. Regular cleaners failed to do the job because they wound up creating a foamy film on top of the grout, trapping dirt and grime on the pores. The restoration process also included sealing the grout lines since high-traffic surfaces can't really stay spotless for long without a powerful sealant in place. Our specialists went over each step with the client, and she gladly agreed to schedule a new appointment.
They returned to her house the next day with all the necessary equipment. Inside the kitchen area, our experts began cleaning the floor after soaking the entire surface with a permeating solution. They also used a high-speed scrubber to eliminate the residue more effectively, allowing them to make more progress in little time. This way, they effectively removed all the dirt from both the kitchen and the hallway.

Next, our specialists applied ColorSeal to all the grout lines in the kitchen and hallway floors. Earlier in the day, the client had told them that she wanted the grout to resemble the color of the ceramic tiles, so our techs made sure to meet her specifications. On top of being available in multiple colors, our flagship sealant repels external elements like grime, food residue, mud, mold, mildew, etc. Grout surfaces look amazing for months on end, and homeowners find routine cleaning more rewarding overall.
The restoration was almost complete, so our experts buffed the floors several time to enhance the tiles' transformation. Then, they called the client to the kitchen area so she could see the result. She made her way from the kitchen to the hallway, marveling at the floor the entire time. She thanked our crew for restoring the tiles and the grout, and promised to praise our grout sealing services in front of everyone she knew.
Our crew had some additional recommendations to help the client with her cleaning routine. They started by warning her against chemical-based products since hard surfaces can be affected in multiple ways after being exposed to these formulas too many times. The surest way to get the desired result is by using pH-neutral products like Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner. Combining high-quality ingredients, our product preserves tile and grout surfaces against discoloration while removing large stains in record time. It's also the ideal solution for a busy household because it won't expose people and pets to toxic fumes. As our techs explained, a successful cleaning routine involves pH-neutral cleaners and non-abrasive tools like a towel, a mop, or a terry cloth. Remember to wash your tools after using them or the dirt will be passed to your hard surfaces.
Lastly, we reminded the client to open the windows and doors throughout the day. This will keep moisture from spreading, making routine cleaning much simpler. Well-ventilated spaces also prevent the growth of mold and mildew around the corners and under cabinets/cupboards.
Don't settle for dull tiles and a soiled grout! Sir Grout Greater Detroit offers first-rate hard surface restoration services to revive any part of your home, including those that are subjected to constant activity. Just call (248) 707-1943 or schedule a free quote online to request an appointment with our specialists. And don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss our latest promotions and updates.